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Type in THE NUMBER of the battalion

Praetorians of Harmony

Lead by Gen. SAMP

on the AHF. Resolute

Carriers Battleships Heavy Cruisers Light Cruisers Destroyer Frigates Dropships Transportships
36 10 28 18 52 70 540 0


System: Freeport


Halcyon (AHA Main Base)

  • Harmony is a planet within the Freeport System of the Frontier. It is an agricultural world and the HQ of the A.H.A. The planet has at least one moon, and a population of 40 million and is run by the 1st Battalion. It is a peaceful and calm planet, with sleek stone and wooden architecture, along with plenty of hexagonal rock formations. As a primarily agricultural world, its landscape is littered with agricultural towers and fields of crops. As the HQ of the A.H.A, Harmony is a heavily defended world, being home to the Harmony Defensive Fleet.