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Col. Wello

EOE, Medic and Recon

Wello was born and raised in Laythe, his life goal was to always become a member of his planet's special forces unit meanwhile his parents wanted him to become a doctor just like them and all of his previous family generations. Despite this Wello still focused on joining the special forces and when he finally became old enough he began the training to become one. One day while he was doing basic training the warning of his city's sirens got activated and everyone was getting evacuated, he wasn't able to see what was going on as the drill sergeants were rushing everyone to evac ships, the only thing he managed to see before the dropships doors shut were space ships with PHC logos on them. Laythe's evac ships and air force managed to successfully evacuate most civilians from the area, unfortunately his dad was hit while trying to get the rest of his family to evacuate and got hospitalised. As soon as the attack ended and Laythe's air force managed to fend the PHC off and Wello got the news from his mother he rushed to the hospital where his dad was in....unfortunately he died from blood loss and internal bleeding. Wello and his family grieved his death...Despite this Wello continued his training, aiming to one day revenge his father. After he had finally finished basic training he was given perhaps one of his most important choices in his special forces career, his role. He wanted to go originally with recon/sniper but remembering his Father's wish of him becoming a doctor...he went with medic After months of training he finally finished and was, officially, a member of Laythe's special forces unit. He'd go on and get deployed on 17 operations, all of which he would do his best in making sure his teammates survive On one deployment, he and his squad were ordered to protect one of Laythe's military commanders, this was nothing hard as his unit did similar missions multiple times so they didn't think much and do it. While getting the commander to his location, they got ambushed by PHC special forces so Wello and his unit instantly opened fire and began protecting the commander, in the chaos of the battle while Wello was trying to throw an impact grenade at one of the soldier's locations, the PHC special forces' trophy system detonated the bomb midair, next to a window the commander was close to, killing him instantly. After the firefight ended and the PHC forces retreated, Wello was accused of killing the commander, his teammates thinking he misused a proximity grenade. Later on in a court trial Wello would get a dishonourable discharge from the unit and be sentenced to 2 years in jail. (Definitely not modified and stolen from Ac7 :>) This took a toll on Wello, his dream and his father's wish.....all gone because of one...damn...projectile 2 long years passed and he finally got out of jail, he would live with his mother and siblings, trying to support them as he can while he tried to find a job After 8 months of this, he got a mail from a mercenary group, Qatil. Who wanted Wello to join them. Wello was always not a fan of mercenary groups due to their controversial nature but seeing that his family was going to need the money, sooner or later, he reluctantly accepted and joined them. Since then he'd join them on every contract and do his job as best as he could...after all he couldn't afford to lose this job too. He'd serve them for 6 years until one day...he saw something While he was heading to the store to get groceries for his family he found an AHA poster, he has heard of the AHA before and was always a fan of them, mainly because they shared the same hatred towards the PHC as him. So he took a picture of the contact details on the poster and continued on heading to the store. After he got the groceries and headed back to his house he went to his room and opened the computer, he then entered the recruitment website of the AHA and began reading the requirements, and to his surprise...his past crimes wouldn't have stopped him from joining. This was a perfect time for him to join a new unit since his mercenary group has been getting backlash and being put on different watchlists everyday putting him and his family in danger so after thinking about it...he sent a mail to his mercenary leader letting him know that he'd quit and joined the AHA.


Things that they own





  • Weapons: double take (titan version), melee claws and arm shield

  • Abilities: defense: extends arm shield, offense: missile, ult: unleashes multi-use drones that replace shield and missiles