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Leader of the A.H.A

I am a soldier. I've always been a soldier. I live to protect those that cannot protect themselves. I originally served in the [REDACTED]... I was there when the founder of our organisation opened our first HQ, being the containment facility on Harmony. I was the very first guard, within no time I was the chief warden of the facility, I did my duty as any good soldier should. As the war raged on and our ranks grew I became Enders personal enforcer, I was deployed so many times I've lost count. We became more organised and I became a senior officer in our organisation. I coordinated our operations, led our forces into battle again and again. Then, after Enders betrayal I was voted in as our new leader. I've made many friends here, lost even more. I am a veteran of countless campaign's and skirmishes, I have seen cities crumble and planets burn. I have led our forces both to their deaths and to our greatest victories. I am the General of the A.H.A and will do my duty until the very end. Long Live the A.H.A


Things that they own

Big Red




  • Weapons: Predator Cannon

  • Abilities: Power Shot, Gun Shield, Long Range Mode, Smart Core and Advanced AI




Titan Capacity: 64

  • Flagship of the 1st Fleet and the larger A.H.A a truly colossal warship able to punch through even the strongest of enemy fleets. It's massive size allows it to accommodate four full infantry company's and their equipment alongside Titan and Air support meaning it can act as a mobile base of operations for A.H.A forces. It is an unstoppable behemoth that perfectly embodies the A.H.As determination to fight to the last. __Size__ Length - 2000m Width - 210m (At widest point) Height - 210m (At tallest point) Weight - 396,900,000t __Armaments__ - The Fold Weapon - 120 Retractable 120mm Heavy Auto Turrets - 96 Rapid Fire Torpedo Tubes - 96 600mm Smoothbore Antiship Canon's - 50 Multi-Payload Missile Batteries - 30 Ventral Mounted Multi-Role Heavy Canon's - 24 Vinson Dynamics Electromagnetic Railguns - 210 Retractable Point Defense 40mm Flak Autocannons __Armour__ - 200cm Multi-layer Superdense Titanium Alloy - Grade 10 Shielding __Propulsion__ Engines - 30 Stern Mounted Fusion Drives - 90 Stern Mounted Auxiliary Drives - 40 Hull Mounted Auxiliary Thrusters - 20 Ventral Mounted Auxiliary Thrusters - 20 Dorsal Mount Auxiliary Thrusters Jump-Drive - *CLASSIFIED* __Capacity__ Attack craft compliment - 360 Hornet Exo-Atmospheric Superiority Fighters Dropship compliment - 45 Crow/Goblin Dropships - 20 Widow Dropships Titan Compliment - 64 Titans __Crew Compliment__ - 10,400 Sailors - 120 Pilots - 1,600 Marines - 12,000 MRVN MKIII (Marine Alternatives, Max Carrying Specs) - 800 BRD-01 "Spectre" Automated Infantry - 400 Stalker Heavy Mechanized Infantry