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Prof. Klos

Secret Bunker Researcher

Joined the AHA during the second war against the PHC. With his origins at Hammond Robotics and therefore the IMC, he is specialized in simulacrum technologies and research. After the second war was over and the Endless threat appeared, he quickly rose through the ranks and eventually founded SWAG with his good friend Voodoo. Around that time, he also decided to voluntarily replace his human body with a simulacrum one, for the sake of efficiency and research. He is also known to have saved multiple AHA members lives with his technology. After the death of Commander Rooster, he temporarily left SWAG to become the leader of the 4th battalion, as there was a lack of high ranking members who could take over. During his time as commander, he captured the planet Laythe and supervised the construction of a base on it, which he also had to defend against our enemies. He eventually gave command of the 4th to Cipher and rejoined SWAG. After doing so, he retreated into an undisclosed location, deep in the deepest bunkers of SWAG. His work there has such a high level of classification that even members of High Command can only guess as to what he's doing. Weeks turned into months, without any signs of him. Nobody knows if we will ever see him again...


Things that they own





  • Weapons: Wildfire Launcher, Warcrime Traps

  • Abilities: Firewall, Dementia, Execution


Large Fighter


Titan Capacity: 1

  • A fighter relatively fast for it's size. Advanced stealth makes it impossible to detect on most radars. It can carry a single titan and is capable of Titanfall