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Assault on the Ark


This was the largest assault in A.H.A history with all our forces being deployed in a single operation. We had received intelligence that a fraction known as the R.E. had managed to construct a fold weapon and an Ark to power it in an attempt to wipe out both sides of the conflict and anyone else in the vicinity. Ender could not be found so the responsibility fell to me, I sent out a call mobilising all our forces to attack the facility housing the weapon. I received a shocking reply to this call in the form of a P.H.C commander offering a ceasefire so that we could take on this threat together. Reluctantly. I agreed to a temporary cease fire. The fold weapon was housed in a facility on the waters edge which was surrounded by numerous heavy air defenses including orbital cannons. It consisted of an outer ring of defenses including the majority of their anti-air guns, then behind this was the outercomplex which boasted their 2nd line of defence and finally the internal complex with the fold weapon at its centre. Upon jumping our naval forces into the planets orbit the cannons opened fire on us destroying several smaller warships and bringing down a carrier. Any drop pods or ships that strayed too close to the complex were immediately blown out of the sky, I ordered all ships to make a rapid descent into the planets atmosphere. Once at the appropriate altitude ground forces including myself were deployed to the planes on one side of complex, our objective was to fight our way to the perimeter and disable enemy air defenses so an assault could be launched on the internal complex housing the Ark. The outer ring was bristling with defenses such as reinforced bunkers, heavy sentries and more, any infantry would be slaughtered upon disembarking so to give them cover myself and fellow pilots embarked our Titans aboard the carriers to provide them the cover needed to breach the outer ring. "Stand by for Titanfall" The blast doors below our bays opened up and I could see the complex below and the tracers racing past as the defenders shot down more and more of our forces. The Pilots deployed first. We crashed to the planes and were instantly met with heavy sentry and anti-titan fire, fortunately my legion had a gun-shield and the armour to withstand the initial barrage. Others were not so lucky. Myself and the other surviving Pilots opened up on the outer ring as infantry drop pods crashed to the ground behind us, some pods were knocked off course by flak and the planets wind causing them to land ahead of us causing them to be cut down as they disembarked. Others hit the outer ring directly imploded on contact into small fireballs, I witnessed everything as I lumbered forward taking on extremely heavy fire. I got visual on a pillbox housing a heavy sentry, I planted my Titans feet raised my predator cannon and fired a long range power shot. The armour piercing round struck the concrete and the magazine of the sentry within setting it off in a spectacular explosion. Seeing this boosted morale we surged forward and began rushing the outer wall with my Titan. The closer we got the thicker the wall of lead we were fighting against grew, we were so close. I could see the enemy grunts racing through the defenses, friendly riflemen and spectres hunkered down behind my Titans legs others doing the same behind my comrades. We continued to push forward, my legion had suffered heavy damage and my hull was breached when finally I got within range. I over clocked my engine dashing my Titan forward using the sheer tonnage of my chassis to smash through the outer wall climbing on top of the outer ring. I saw my comrades mounting the wall alongside me, I planted my feet and opened up on the defenders with my predator cannon covering the infantry scrambling into the courtyard from between my feet. Some of my comrade pilots stood their ground on the wall like myself others pushed into the courtyard to provide closer support to ground forces. We had broken through. The planes were now littered with torn up corpses. Human and simulcra alike strewn about in droves with the burning husks of my comrades Titans dotting the planes their smoke columns drifting high into the sky breaking up the horizon. As our infantry swarmed the complex I could hear the muffled sound of gunfire as they fought their way to the guns, I reloaded my predator cannon the spent magazing crashing to the ground with immense force. I braced as I fired another power shot ripping through one of the anti-air guns. My comrades joined in my efforts as we battered the outer complex and the guns, the infantry completed their objective. Huge fireballs erupted from the building chasing up the guns as they keeled over and fell to the ground in a heap of burnt metal and cooked off ammunition. Their air defenses were down and a beachhead was secured. The Titans began to push forward once more, we could not follow our infantry into the outer complex as we were too large so we begin to fight our way around the outside of the facility deeper into the complex. We had completed our objective, as we moved friendly dropships raced overhead making their way to the inner complex with fresh pilots and infantry. There were still orbital cannons active in the outer facility however, preventing our carriers from getting into positions to deploy further Titan reinforcements into the facility. The dropships successfully made it to the inner facility, riflemen rappeled to the ground whilst pilots lept from open ramps and rushed into the building making their way to fold weapon. The defenders were ready and they clashed in a large firefight, Pilots fought overhead and riflemen, spectres and even stalkers fought tooth and nail for every inch of ground as the fighting started grinding to a stalemate more and more men fed into the meat grinder as the bodys began to pile up. Finally, myself, the remaining Titans from the initial assault and our infantry detachments reach the orbital cannons. The infantry moved into the base of the structure to take over or reactive the cannons whilst we held our ground, prepared to fight to the last to give them the time they needed to complete their objective. We stood firm as waves of defenders broke over us, we would not yield and we slaughtered any who dared get past us. But not without suffering further losses. After sometime of desperately fighting to hold the line in the outer complex, and to push deeper in the inner complex the orbital cannons deafening blasts fell silent. The infantry had successfully deactivated the guns. I breathed a sigh of relief amidst the constant fire of mine and my remaining comrades Titan weaponry watching as the carriers lurched overhead and new Titans lit up the sky as they rocketed towards the ground in the inner complex. With their new found heavy support the Pilots were able to break the stalemate and counter the enemies defending Titans, furthermore the enemies reinforcements from other parts of the facility had been cut off by the initial offensive as we battled our way through pockets of resistance in the outer defenses. After breaking the stalemate the infantry held the line whilst the Pilots in the inner complex proceeded to move to the centre of the facility and capture the Ark, rendering the fold weapon useless. We were victorious. At great cost. This operation saw the near destruction of the R.E. faction with only a few escaping the massive assault. However, the A.H.A had suffered extreme casualties with untold number if lives lost, ships brought down and titans destroyed. My own Legion was heavily damaged, the hull breached and reactor near critical though thankfully he survived. But by preventing the firing of that fold weapon, we saved countless lives and my brothers sacrifices.. Were not in vein. I will continue to fight, till my last breath, if not for myself. Then for them, those who have layed down their lives for our cause and all they died to protect. I will fight till the end. Long Live the A.H.A!

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: -245