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Operation Rogue Spear (3rd battalion)


This report serves to show the events concerning the 3rd battalion during the battle of Leviathan. Corresponding reports for the 2nd battalion and Swag should be written. The 3rd fleet were the first to enter Leviathan’s orbit, our objective was to clear a path for allied AHA units and neutralise the HVT “Chain Breaker squadron” (IMC veteran pilots now working for a PMC). I led the charge aboard the AHF Arrowhead (a battleship due to the status of the AHF Rift Walker detailed in report #519951) and the 3rd’s vanguard made a gambit to create a wedge in the enemy forces and force them sideways, creating a safe path for the 2nd and Swag to deploy on the ground of Leviathan. We took losses while performing this admittedly risky manoeuvre but they were acceptable overall and the 2nd fleet led by the Lieutenant General managed to arrive shortly after we engaged and was able to more than make up for these losses. Eventually the AHF Castellum was able to calculate a path into lower atmosphere and moved at full speed, leading the 2nd fleet down to their AO and releasing a wing of fighters. One of the squads was led by Staff Sergeant Dove and was tasked with hunting the HVT above both AOs. During this entire operation Sergeant Major Texas managed to neutralise multiple enemy warships usint boarding tactics, ferried by Staff Sergeant Vanguard who also assisted in defending the AHF Arrowhead from smaller enemy craft with his fighter Dove tracked the HVT thanks to the efforts of Rifleman Angel’s communications and guidance. His squadron had the element of surprise and so took down most of the HVT with haste. He also managed to neutralise Chain-Breaker squadron’s leader after Renegade of the RE pulled two of the squadron away and dealt with them. The last of the HVT attempted to exfil as Dove performed a dangerous manoeuvre to save the life (but not the fighter) of his squadmate, Lance Corporal Slipper. Dove managed to convinve the last of the HVT to hand himself to the 3rd on the condition that he wasnt harmed, likely preventing a larger chase and dogfight. Around this time the 2nd battalion completed their objective and began exfil with the enemy fleet already neutralised by the 3rd. ADDENDUM: later on there was an incident involving Dove and Commander Voodoo, stemming from Dove’s promise that the remaining member of Chain Breaker squadron wouldn’t be taken in by swag or [REDACTED]. This led to Dove regrettably leaving the AHA. Overall the operation was a success with the 3rd displaying their naval superiority against both fighters and warships and Swag later completing their own objective. Losses were relatively low for a large scale engagement but Dove’s depature was unfortunate. Vice Admiral Kerm, out

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 1020