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Raid on Pegasus space port


The Pegasus PMC had worked with the rebels during the previous war and certain 3rd battalion units witnessed them assault an AHA listening post and then attempt to deport the civilains of the planet on mass. This made it clear that they were a threat despite their claims of innocence, despite wanting to make the AHA seem like the aggressor. Needless to say that when they took over a derelict spaceport in a system not far off our own Somnus system, the 3rd were quick to strike. Our primary focus was 3 HVTs “Mocha” who is the head of security, “Snitch” who is the head intelligence officer and “Hose” who is head of logistics. Even one of these beinf captured would greatly disrupt Pegasus operations The AHF Arrowhead led the charge into orbit alongwith mercenaries “Dove” and “Artemis” along with Renegade and RE forces, a small battlegroup following behind and being more than enough to scatter and eliminate the small Pegasus fleet that was already taken by surprise. One carrier(the AHF Morningstar) out of the three was heavily damaged by enemy AA defenses. It successfully landed but was unable to takeoff until a repair team landed after the battle. Our forces were met by surprising resistance including tanks, LVTs and mortar teams but eventually pushed towards the spaceport. Sergeant Major Cami and Lance Corporal Elsie tracked down one HVT named “Mocha” after he taunted them over comms. Meanwhile, Staff Sergeant Mirai took command of squad Delta 2-4 and headed North to locate “Snitch”. Mirai engaged “Snitch” and deployed smoke to avoid hidden turrets rhat attempted to cover her escape. He successfully shot her in the back while she was in cloak with his r97 and secured her, completing his objective. Cami and Elsie however, were less successful as Mocha lured them into a trap using his history with Cami and use of comms, He set Cami ablaze and severely injured her, putting her our of commission for several days. Elsie managed to injure him in return but decided to tend to her CO rather than give chase. HVT “Hose” also escaped intially with a convoy of non combatants however he was tracked by 3rd battalion ships and I managed to negotiate a surrender. They handed themselves over without incident with Mirai and Lance Corporal Lapis accompanying me as I went to the surface. The 3rd’s fleet created a small blockade around the moon to prevent Mocha’s escape and we began the hunt for our final HVT During the conflict in orbit RE forces shot down a civilain transport (marked with a combatant IFF) and attacked a surrendering craft. The General and I have warned him that another incident like this will result in a termination of the RE and AHA contract and a possible trial.

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 1050