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Operation Anteater


After the raid on the Pegasus spaceport (report #3110501) the HVT “Mocha” (Pegasus’ head of security) and his men who still refused to surrender were the only living hostile forces on the moon. With help from HVT Hose’s intelligence we tracked them to an underground complex designated as Airbase “Fennec” comprised mostly of two airstrips and a commander centre, with a multiple tunnels and chokepoints between them. I, alongside one platoon of the 1st armoured infantry division and one of the 1st marines divison landed outside the main entrance of the base in the AHF Arrowhead and multiple carriers. The platoon from the armoured infantry remained outside to secure the perimeter and the platoon from the marines followed a group consisting of myself, Sergeant Major Milan and her squad, Lance corporal Bray, Lance corporal Lazuli and Sergeant Major Labayen of Swag as the Arrowhead breached the main entrance and we headed in. We were immediately met with resistance from Pegasus’ Cyclops team, many of whom were injured. They refused to surrender however and so all except one who I apprehended were killed in a relatively quick firefight. We continued through Fennec, facing minor resistance from turrets and more teams of Pegasus men. During this there was a minor incident between Bray and Labayen over the Sergeant Major’s “mercy kill” of a dying soldier and an incident where Bray attempted to argue with a direct command, hesitating. Bray and Lazuli also both demonstrated callousness towards and seemingly antagonised a surrendering soldier who then attenpted a suicide attack on the pilots apprehending him. All was resolved later on. Milan and I successfully breached a sealed door leading into one of the airstrips after Lazuli damaged his arm trying and the dropships inside began to leave, activating detonations as they went. Milan, Labayen, Lapis and I successfully boarded the ships as they left while Bray and Milan’s squad retreated to safety. Once on one of the shuttles I discerned that they were carrying non combatants and negotiated for them to willingly board the 3rd battalion carriers in the blockade above the planet rather than attempting escape. Meanwhile Bray and the aforementioned squad began the search for Mocha. Labayen and Lazuli tended to some of the wounded aboard the dropships and then we landed back outside the airbase. I withdrew to prep the Arrowhead and both platoons for launch in case of a large scale detonation and the others reconvened with the Lance Corporal who had just fought off a lone cloak pilot with a mastiff that almost eliminated one of Milan’s squad. The group headed towards the control room but were pinned down by two pilots. Lazuli was damaged heavily by one wielding an Eva-8 after attempting a reckless charge into melee however he was patched up on site after the duo were eliminated. The door to the command centre was once again sealed and Lazuli proceded to severely damage two arms of his attempting the breach despite repeated orders from Sergeant Major Milan, eventually breaching using his head. In the command centre was an injured Mocha who ranted at Milan as she attempted to talk him down. Unfortunately she failed and he drew his sidearm, being deemed a threat under protocal and thus killed by Sergeant Major Labayen. Orders were to bring him in alive but due to circumstances doing this could’ve greatly endangered 3rd battalion personnel. Mocha thankfully never got a chance to activate the WMD inside the airbase. The dropships of non combatants were taken in without issue and any disciplinary issues have been dealt with. Mocha’s death was unfortunate but understandable in the circumstances. With this all Pegasus elements on the planet were in our prisons, or in the ground.

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 1080