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Operation: Black Flag


Operation start time: 03/08, 0600 Operation end time: 03/08, 1000 Operation Status: Success Operation CONOP: Operation: Black Flag is a joint operation between AHA’s SWAG, Commissar Corp, Recon Corp, 4th Battalion, and Medical Corp. The Operational Objective, seize all data and tech aboard the IMC satellite in the Aquarius region. With the main point of concern to be finding out the intentions of the IMC having two intertwined tesseracts in the vicinity of the satellite for observation. The AHA Task Force infiled via two IMC emerchant vessels, using the [redacted] on the AHF Infiltrator to jam coms aboard the vessels and disarm their defenses. Task Force used modified drop pods, crashing through the vessels cargo bay, and neutralizing all OpFor aboard the vessels. Task Force would then use the vessels to board the satellite. All OpFor aboard the satellite save the chief researcher and the IMC military commander on site were terminated, any individuals that would normally classify as non-combatants were flushed out the airlock. All data on the tesseract, IMC operations within the area, HVTs, and high value tech were extracted. Upon exfiltration advances were halted by unforeseen threats,a pilot and Titan and an IMC Fleet despite the jamming of the stations comms. Extraction was a successful jump to the ADF Infiltrator below the station, despite these interferences, the satellite was detonated manually. This sent both it and the tesseracts into the nearby Aquarius 4 atmosphere, terminating both. Addendum 1: Due to the nature of the IMC Pilot and the Fleet coming in as we were making our exfil, it is my belief the Operation was compromised by an insider threat, cooperation with the Commissar Corp required. Operator Status: 1 injured(discharged from medbay after 8 hours) and 1 Leave of Absence (returned to active operational status within 28 hours)