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Defense of Colony 28E


We received a distress signal coming from a colony of new settlers on the planet Solace located in the nearby Vanguard system. A battlegroup from the 1st Battalion led by the Battleship A.H.F Repentance was deployed to the system to protect the colonists. Upon their arrival 8 Pilots were deployed at the edge of the Colony to secure a landing zone, from there Spectres from the 3rd Company were deployed and they began to clear the Colony street by street as the Pilots moved ahead to locate and rescue any colonists. Upon contact the hostile were found to be easily defeated and later were identified as the local crime syndicate, they were dealt with quickly by the superior training of a military force and the Colony secured. However, the skirmish had attracted the attention of a P.L.R remnant hiding on the planet. Due to an incident happening simultaneously on Typhon the 1st Battalion was occupied so reinforcements were unable to be deployed. Pilot's moved to reinforce defensive positions in high perches above the Colony whilst Spectres herded colonists to the centre of the Colony before setting up bottlenecks and defensive lines throughout the Colony. Titans were deployed to the outer edge of the Colony in an attempt to soften up advancing forces. 4 Tones and 2 Legions. The Pilots in the Colony's centre tower were first to get visual on the incoming force at which they realised they were vastly outnumbered by incoming threat. Titans made first contact with the largely infantry based assault although proved ineffective due to the open terrain and the enemies surprisingly high number of Anti-Titan launchers. 2 of the 4 Tones were destroyed, another was crippled, the remaining Tone along with the 2 Legions fell back to guard the centre structure where the civilians were housed. There they had more cover and would serve as a last line of defense. The enemy moved in waves, appearing from the treeline they moved up quickly. The 1st wave was cut down quickly as they had little cover. Enemy air support was engaged by Hornet Fighters from the Carriers in Orbit. The capital ships themselves were unable to engage due to the enemies proximity to friendly forces. Overtime the enemy waves began to grow larger and larger whilst the defending forces ammo supplies began to decrease. They had supply drops though the number that could be deployed was limited as they had to be deployed within the colony's streets as the previous LZ had been taken over due to the encirclment of the Colony. As ammo supplies dwindled the first line of defense was breached with the Spectres being over run. As the enemy moved through the streets Pilots in the outer defensive positions moved from their fortified positions to slow the enemy with hit and run tactics from rooftops and alleyways as the enemy crashed against the 2nd line of Spectre Light Infantry in their makeshift defenses. As time went on friendly forces had been pushed back to the inner buildings of the colony. Over Half the Spectres deployed had been destroyed or crippled although there were pockets of resistance in confined areas of the Colony. Although this meant the infantry defenses strength was dwindling it now opened up the 3 remaining Titans to engage the enemy in narrow streets and bottlenecks leading to the main building where they cut down scores of hostiles. 2 Pilots remained in the centre tower picking off enemy targets from a distance with Longbow DMRs, 3 Pilots held defensive positions on the rooftops in proximity to the centre tower while the other 2 continued to slow the enemies advance with hit and runs. Although unfortunately one of the Pilots lost their lives valiantly defending a bottleneck where the enemy had broken through. 2 Enemy Ronins were deployed breaking through the treeline at immence speed, their position was called out by the Pilots in the tower providing overwatch with one the Legions turning to engage, a long range Power shot ripped through one of the Ronins cockpits from over the rooftops whilst the other was shot down in the street as it approached. Finally any remaining defenders with the exception of the Pilots defensive positions had been pushed back to the centre building, 2 Spectres Squads moved inside the building to provide a shield to the Colonists and guard the door whilst the others had to resort to taking cover behind the Legs of the remaining Titans and behind debris from collapsed buildings. Ammo supplies were running out and defeat was quickly approaching as the hordes of continued barreling through the streets of the once peaceful Colony. Finally reinforcements were able to be spared deploying straight from Typhon 3 more battlegroups jumped into the planets orbit. Additional grounded forces were deployed to hot LZs throughout the colony giving the original defenders room to breathe. Titans and more ground forces were deployed into the surrounding woodlands to cut off enemy reinforcements and push the enemy back which was done successfully. The Colony and her inhabitants were successfully defended and all of the defenders were commended high honours for their actions. In Total the siege lasted 38 hours, 1 Spectre platoon was lost, another suffered heavy casualties. Of the 8 Pilots deployed, 3 lost their lives they have received post humorous honours and will be layed to rest as heroes joining their brothers on Harmony. 2 Tone class Titans were destroyed, 1 was crippled, 2 Legion Class Titans received heavy damage. Of the 150 colonists, 112 were alive upon our arrival with 108 making it to the shelter where no further lives were lost. This was an extreme show of bravery and courage by all the defenders, they will always be remembered as true heroes. Long Live the A.H.A

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: 160