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Operation: Trophy Hunt


Report is unredacted under request of General Samp. Operation objective, terminate all insurgents on the planet Typhon, and capture the 4 2nd Battalion rogues acting as conspirators and elites for the insurgent force. Operation members were Voodoo-6 ,SFC Cat, and Strike Team Xi. Infiltration would be an in orbit warp while the AHF Infiltrator was cloaked, followed by pilots dropping into the AO, while Xi would take a drop ship to infil. Pilots Cat and Voodoo-6 would locate the 4 rogues at the top of residential building 064, and pursue the targets while eliminating the OpFor in the target building. Strike Team Xi would eliminate the remaining insurgent forces holed up in the industrial district warehouse 078A. All SWAG forces hid under the cover of being Typhon Planetary Security Forces and would use this cover to halt any large-scale investigation from locals or other forces. Once targets were secured and all mission objectives were checkmarked, Strike Team Xi would take a drop ship to meet up with Voodoo-6 and Cat, where the prisoners would be loaded on board to be taken to the AHF Infiltrator and later Harmony. Upon reaching the Infiltrator SWAG forces would encounter an insurgent made airborne IED via an OpFor pilot pinging his location. This would be neutralized by SFC Cat on the scene. All Operators are accounted for, no casualties on our end, all intel and targets were acquired, and the 1st is cleaning up the mess we left as I am typing this report. Mission status is a resounding success.