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Operation: Ashes & Cinder


The operation objective was to retrieve Corporal Pheonix’s data core from PHC territory. This operation was a conducted joint operation between the 4th Battalion Cpl. Ronin and MSgt. Jesse and SWAG SFC Cat and Com. Voodoo-6. Operatives infilled to the planet via a low orbit jump onto the surface. Upon Infill the team, with Msgt. Jesse taking point, would move through the planet evading and quietly disposing of opposition security forces. While attempting to access enemy communications the team would be intercepted by a rifle team of 4, which was quickly dispatched. Upon hacking into enemy communications and a scan of the immediate area, the team would pinpoint the location of Pheonix’s datacore. A distraction, devised by the 4th battalion, detonating the base's fuel depot was employed to get to the location of the DataCore and retrieve it, setting a secondary explosive charge as another diversion. Drop ship Eagle-1 was called for immediate exfil 2 miles from the AO, and upon getting to the exfil site, the team was immediately engaged by a roaming security patrol. Extraction was hot, however the team was able to get airborne. PHC QRF Interceptors were deployed upon the team going airborne in which a midair titanfall was called by Voodoo-6, using the modified Northstar chassis to provide escort for Eagle-1. Upon entering the AHF Infiltrator, all AHA forces would leave the planet. No wounded, all objectives check marked, mission status: Success.