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Operation: Reclamation


Operation: Reclamation was a joint-assault operation on the planet owned by the target "Val." Allied belligerents included AHA 4th Battalion, SWAG, 2nd Battalion Engineer Corp, 1st Battalion 6-4 Militia, and IMC elements. While originally intended as an AHA-only operation, it became essential to enlist the support of multiple operatives from outside factions. The operation aimed to terminate opposition leader Val, who had acquired Major Cipher’s soul under his servitude after economic conflicts in the Major’s life. The operation saw the joint assault force utilizing combined arms warfare to push through the planet's defending forces. After overcoming significant opposition, the force converged on the compound believed to house the target. Following a prolonged firefight in the corridors and the use of a thermite charge on the sealed panic room door, the force encountered the target. Small arms fire proved ineffective against the subject's armor, and during an ill-fated charge by Corporal Phoenix, Val fatally wounded him. Val, utilizing a simulacrum frame, then terminated the frame he was currently using shortly after. SWAG medical staff evacuated Corporal Phoenix from the planet and conducted a Medevac while the remaining operators conducted SSE to pinpoint Val's location. Recognizing that further losses would be inefficient, the force chose to blockade the planet and await the arrival of the 1st Battalion. Upon their arrival, the AHF Resolute utilized its ARC Cannon to destroy the planet. Concurrently, Lt. Squid and Captain Wello worked tirelessly to perform surgery on Major Cipher, who was found to have a bomb connected to a deadman’s trigger implanted by Val. Fortunately, the procedure was successful, as was the termination of the planet. Subsequently, a salvage team was dispatched to the wreckage of the planet to retrieve any valuable remains.