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Operation: Hush Money


This Operation’s goals were to uncover whether the frigate AHF Tail Chaser had gone rogue, and apprehend the Captain of the ship for illegally crossing borders and refusing orders from XOs The team for this Operation was a joint force of SWAG and the 4th BTL. Using the AHF Infiltrator the team would pull a warp jump 500 meters above the frigate, in which the team used modified drop pods to breach the ships hull, after briefly giving the crew of the frigate the ultimatum of surrendering or being neutralized. After quickly infilling, the team would terminate or apprehend all crew who they happened to find. MSgt. Cat would shortly hack into the systems of the ship conducting EW and CI with Cpl. Ronin helping clear the security force in the cargo hold. Cpt. Wello would conduct multiple apprehensions on his own, while Maj. Cipher cleared the hangars, encountering an enemy Scorch, and MSgt. Jesse investigated a mass force of soldiers with Com. Voodoo-6 coming to aid shortly thereafter. Soon after clearing a sealed room, they would find that the rogue Pilots and Crewmen were human trafficking aboard their frigate. After having the main force reconvene to assist Maj. Cipher, MSgt. Jesse and Com. Voodoo-6 would breach the frigate’s bridge, and terminate the crew, save the Captain. Com. Voodoo-6 would take full control of the ship from the bridge, while Msgt. Jesse aided the main force in eliminating the final resisting forces. Unfortunately, Captain Wello would be injured during one apprehension, he would be swiftly extracted along with those in custody. The Frigate would be captured and returned to Harmony. Addendum 1: Contents of the ship manifests were as follows:materials for a dirty bomb, firearms, combat stims, and drugs. The force appears to be affiliated with the group that was terminated on Typhon and were preparing a retaliation. Addendum 2: The Captain is currently in SWAG custody, we will get our answers.