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Operation Shieldbreaker


2nd battalion scouts had encountered a large manufacturing complex being constructed on the planet Basillus Prime, just inside 2nd battalion territory. I had headed there with the Castellum but encountered heavy resistance. I got the ship repaired and notified Lieutenant General TU. We needed to get past an orbital shield that had been constructed and so assembled a team of corporal V.V and Sergeant Emster from our own battalion, and master sergeant Cat from Swag (for his stealth expertise). The plan was that V.V and Lieutenant General TU would bombard the shield (using our fleet) which would distract from me, Emster and Cat landing. We successfully landed without being caught by any of the blasts and snuck in without a hitch, experiencing minor resistance in the room with the shield generator but still being able to shut it down. Cat took control of the base’s systems which greatly assisted our entry. The plan was going off without a hitch until Cat located a Titan factory while looking for valuable technology, he was shot by a monarch class Titan and me and Emster went back for him (after the sergeant dropped his Titan). We fought our way out of the complex to a dropship and got out while V.V and the lieutenant general rained fire onto the manufactorum. The enemy are believed to be a rogue IMC unit who have possibly joined the horny and I am glad we stamped out the threat early, I’d recommend promotion for sergeant Emster (who showed remarkable stealth and combat abilities in a close quarters and hostile environment) and especially corporal V.V who has been corporal for far too long and showed leadership ability aboard the Minos and good aim with a cannon in not blowing us up as we entered through orbit Colonel Kerminator, signing off

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 340