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Enemy Dreadnought Sighted


Whilst on patrol in the Coyote System Captain Ares on the 3rd battalion was ambushed by a large enemy fleet in the systems asteroid field. Shortly after we lost all communication. Battlegroup Victorum was dispatched to reinforce but when they arrived there was no sight of the 3rds battlegroup or the Captain. However, the battlegroup was engaged by several cruisers and destroyers as the enemy fleet emerged. Whilst initially proving victorious the tide was turned in the enemies favour when they deployed a dreadnought class ship sporting a large laser based weapon. The battlegroup was outnumbered and outgunned and forced to retreat to the orbit of Cibus where they rendezvoused with Battle Group Mundare. Summary: Captain Ares - MIA A.H.F Contrita - Lost A.H.F Secare - Lost A.H.F Resilience - Heavily Damaged Several Destroyers - Lost/Damaged

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: 560