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The betrayal of Elite 5


Following the events of elites trial earlier that day. He broke off from the aha taking 300 troops with him. Lieutenant Ares sergeant major Ronin Major Cack and me decided to infiltrate the ranks of this fake AHA Ares managed leak the location of the first base to our strike team waiting The battle was bloody and long. It ended with Ares cover being blown, and him having to be extracted by retreating AHA forces but mine Ronins and cacks covers remains intact I managed to get in the Commander position of the fourth battalion in this army and take down the shield generators and sabotage AA guns for the second battle where this time that would be no retreat We came in force battle ended with heavy losses on both sides, but in the end General Samp had managed to slay the Heretic elite For their actions, Ares was promoted to captain and I am putting in a recommendation for sergeant major, ronin to be promoted As I write this, I fear we have kicked the hornets nest. This is the beginning of the second AHA Civil War This is Phoenix signing off