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AHA rebellion


# REPORT #315802: AHA rebellion. ## Written by Cpt. Jesse shortly after we discovered there may be a possible rebellion I put the fourth on complete lockdown. However the next day I detected an incoming AHA fleet. They're asking anyone if they had code for reinforcements when the fleet dropped out we saw that they had scratched out the AHA logo off their ships in the battle began. The enemy free took hours ships by surprise wiping out countless ships as they deployed ground troops. We were caught unprepared. We were dealt significant casualties within only the first few minutes of the battle. We probably would have lost the fourth completely if it had not been for the general and the first showing up as a rainforcements. With the first and the general the tide quickly turned into our favor during the battle I lost track of Phoenix it only ended after Shinzo a dangerously risky move that detonated some kind of explosive leaving our troops unharmed but decimating the traitors. Shinzo survived the explosion with no damages at all. However while we were recouping we received a message from a group that calls themselves the death watch. On the video they executed Phoenix. The result ended with the fourth taking massive losses in both the space and the ground. Addendum one: swag was sent on a mission to a cover Phoenix's body and I asked them to bring back the bastard who killed Phoenix alive. I have yet to dish out the proper punishment he deserves.

Author: Com. Jesse

Index: 580