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Operation: Chanson D’Automne


The objective of this operation was to strike a high-value munitions depot held by insurgents, effectively neutralizing their long-term presence in the region. This operation would be immediately followed by a counterstrike involving all AHA units to remove traitor forces from the area. SWAG Operators on-site were tasked with a low orbit drop to infiltrate the planet. After insertion, the Operators navigated through the facility by following a supply convoy to the inner sections of the depot. They encountered and neutralized minor resistance from a guard tower, eliminating all compromising elements and fully infiltrating the facility. Upon reaching the inner depot, the Operators terminated the supply convoy and primed satchel charges throughout the munitions depot. However, they quickly uncovered multiple WMDs of nuclear origin. SWAG Operators removed the cores of these WMDs and successfully exfiltrated the AO on foot. They then detonated the depot and later exfiltrated the planet during the counteroffensive by AHA Naval vessels. AHF Cloak and AHF Dagger units were left behind to support SWAG Operatives who remained to assist with the assault. **Addendum:** After exfiltration, SWAG [REDACTED] the WMDs for the safety of the A.H.A.