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Operation: Cont. 8888


**Operation: Cont. 8888** The objective of Operation Cont. 8888 was to raid the crashed P.L.R. R&D ship and exfiltrate with all data related to the viral infection and its outbreak. The mission was supported by the 1st Battalion, which conducted bombing runs in nearby AOs to draw away the infected, and a SWAG Gunship team, Jackal 0-1, on standby to provide close air support (CAS). A SWAG Operative infiltrated via a low orbit drop onto the planet, landing two miles short of the target location. After bypassing several infected groups, the Operative reached the target site, which was surrounded by infected. SWAG utilized both CAS and ground assets to clear a path to the crash site and sealed the partition behind them. Identifying the location of the data center aboard the ship, SWAG advanced through multiple infected hostiles and several floors to reach the data center. Upon setting up the data link, SWAG held out in the data center for several minutes until a new hostile appeared on the radar. It was an Ogre-class titan, infected by the virus and covered in multiple infected bodies as a buffer against attackers. SWAG units resorted to long-range archer fire to delay the approaching threat while the data link completed its transfer. Once the data transfer was complete, SWAG Operatives made their way to the apex of the shuttle's wreckage, lighting a flare for dropship unit Seagull 2-1 to land and exfiltrate the units. As they prepared the LZ, the infected Ogre Titan climbed the ship wreckage and engaged the SWAG units. After stalling the hostile for as long as possible, Seagull 2-1 was able to land and exfiltrate all Operators. Following the exfiltration, the Ogre-class titan compromised the wreckage’s structural integrity, collapsing the entire ship and sending the ship and whatever was left of the old war in it down with the beast.