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Rescue mission on Evis


After the outbreak on Cibus (see report #414001 and subsequent reports) the virus had spread throughout the coyote system, Lieutenant general TU set up a blockade on Evis to prevent further spread and the 2nd were soon deployed to save a group of civilians that were located relatively close to the Lieutenant General’s FOB. We had newly recieved reinforcements and so this was the first operation for Riflemen Nito and Frost. Sergeant Major Cat of Swag, Lieutenant Ronin of the 4th and the RE mercenary Renegade also participated despite not being 2nd personnel. I began by meeting the previously mentioned riflemen, Rifleman Witt, Cat and Commissar Gold in Sokenzan’s hangar 13 before traveling to Evis in the Castellum. I made sure everyone was equipped with hazard suits and we dropped to the surface, meeting up with renegade and the Lieutenant General down there and beginning the march to the coordinates where the civilians were last seen, with Witt and Frost scouting ahead. We located a large warehouse complex surrounded by infected, despite having only being attacked by a few strays on our way there. We fired upon them and rushed into the complex which me and Frost held the perimeter of while Lieutenant General TU breached the complex. He located 70 civilians there and rifleman Nito (who is trained as a combat medic) tended to the wounded while he handed out hazard suits. Renegade deployed his spectres to the top of the complex and Witt hunted any infected in the complex and Ronin provided close air support with the Void Striker. As me, Cat and Frost thinned the hordes of infected we managed to land dropships and begin evacuating the complex. Witt was stealth attacked in the conplex and his suit was breached, necessitating immediate evacuation by Ronin. Just after this the ingecred resumed their assault, led by an infected Scorch class titan. TU charged out in his Northstar to neutralise the threat but it managed to launch a gas and then thermite canister into the warehouse, scattering our forces. Just before being fully neutralised, the titan self destructed and released a cloud of flammable gas, killing swathes of infected but also critically damaging TU’s Northstar and chassis. Renegade had previously given a battery to TU from the Scorch which will be important later. Nito managed to stabilise the wounded and evacuation of the civilians was completed, him and Frost also boarding the last dropship while me and Cat (the more experienced personnel there) covered them. The RE spectres and I successfully evacuated TU and Cat got to the dropship, covering my and my bodyguard’s escape. When we returned to the FOB, the warehouse having been reduced to a blackened ruin, one civilian was revealed to be infected and was euthanised by myself, this is a deeply tragic loss and clearly effected Nito and Cat. Witt was able to be transferred to a new chassis with his old one being terminated (and the remains being left to Captain Wello for research purposes) but the battery TU was given carried the infection and took root in his data core while basic repairs were made, making a tranfer impossible without a core. Because of this he has been placed in stasis until a cure is developed. Overall the operation went well, with 69 out of 70 civilians surviving and our new riflemen being suprisingly effective, I admittedly fear for TU though and hope a cure is found soon. Efforts will be redoubled by our research staff. The RE mercenaries were also effective and showed no signs of aggression or ill intent, I hope our alliance remains profitable. That is all, Commander Kerminator signing off

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 650