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The rescue of LCpl Camichka Arakos - Space battle


I was patrolling alone in my fighter, around Typhon and Orthros, with permission from Cpt Ares, when I received a radio transmission from LCpl 3. He quickly signaled to Cpt Ares, LCpl Saturn, RFLM Mirai, and myself that LCpl Camichka Arakos had been captured by an armed force in a ship. I spotted a ship climbing dangerously fast on my radar and began pursuing the ship, breaking the Mach barrier above Orthros in the process. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for this break of protocol, but I consider it to be justified in retrospect. At the time, I had no way of ascertaining the ship's appartenance to a hostile faction. I therefore started by ordering them to land, twice, before they responded, threatening to kill LCpl Arakos if we opened fire. I then attempted to fly above the ship and force it to lose altitude, unsuccessfully. It was at that point that I was joined by Cpt Ares. He threatened the bandits, to no avail. The bandits refused to return the LCpl, leading me to fire warning shots across their bow, and ask them to stand down. At this point, Cpt Ares entered the bandit ship. I circled around the ship, trying to find out what their defenses were. The ship was heavily armed, but no match for the AHA. The bandit ship was then joined by three others, and they threatened us, telling us to go away. Then, two things happened: I spotted the ship's warp drive, and I was joined by LCpls 3 and Saturn and Rifleman Mirai, on a dropship. I immediately warned our forces of the ship's warp capabilities. The ships exited the atmosphere. That is when the bandit ships started firing at us. I dodged the first salvo and took out their rear turrets with my vulcans, before starting to attack the other bandit ships. The dropship evaded the shots as well. The dropship crew then boarded the bandit ship, joining Cpt Ares inside, in an attempt to free LCpl Arakos. At this moment I took down the smallest bandit ship. It got caught in Typhon's gravity well, where it burned up during reentry. A few moments afterwards, the main ship started warping. I quickly took down the warp drive with my guns and missiles, and the ship stopped dead in it's tracks. I started an attack pass on the other two ships, taking down one of them. I believe the wreckage is still in orbit, but this will have to be confirmed. I used the last of my missiles on the third ship's bridge, leaving it defenseless as I took down the remaining turrets. It was then that the Void strider warped in and sent a boarding party inside the bandit ship. I rearmed on the ship, before heading back towards the main and now only bandit ship. I couldn't do much at that point, but I still managed to shoot at some stragglers through a window. They were carrying heavy weaponry and I thought it best to get them before they got my squadmates. A few moments afterwards, LCpls 3 and Camichka used a drop pod to get to Typhon's surface. I followed them, and, once on the surface, found that LCpl Camichka was gravely wounded. In an attempt to save her life and limbs, I radioed Major Cipher and took her to medbay in my fighter, once again breaking several regulations about takeoff speeds, warping close to a planet and proper landing procedures. I did it in an effort to save my squadmate's life, and therefore believe it was the only possible course of action at the time. After landing, she was immediately taken to medbay.