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Operation: Final Strike (3rd Btn. Involvement)


LCpl. Labayen 3rd Battalion. After being rallied by Com. Jesse, the 3rd immediately went spaceside to support the operations on the planet and ensure soace superiourity. The 3rd was met with heavy resistance from the enemy fleets, encountering several heavy dreadnoughts with large amounts of casualties being sustained on either side. However, thanks to the efforts of Cpl. Dove, Cpl. 3 and LCpl. Arakos in their fighter craft, myself piloting a lone bomber, Captain Ares and Vice Admiral Storm in the *Rift Walker*, the enemy was able to be subdued enough to allow them to remain occupied and for our ground forces to remain unmolested. Notably the flagship was disabled with a critical strike by Cpl. 3 when he ejected from his craft sending it into the enemy flagship, creating a large crippling blow. In the explosion he lost his arm. In a critical incident, Cpl. Dove was thrown from his spacecraft into the vacuum of space. Thanks to the heroic efforts of LCpl. Arakos, he was rescued and placed aboard the *Rift Walker*. The flagship *Rift Walker* and the heavy cruiser *Decimator* owned by Cpt. Ares landed final crippling blows on the enemy fleet, with the *Rift Walker’s* EMP blast effectively disabling the shields of the many larger ships, allowing for smaller fighers and bomber aircraft to exploit the weaknesses and cripple them. A final orbital bombardment was ordered by Com. Jesse, which was fired upon the Fold Weapon, miraculously missing Ghost. A successful operation. The mission resulted in total destruction of the enemy fleet present, with several friendly small destroyers and frigates lost as well as a numerous amount of fighters.