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Assault on Tahoe


Rifleman Ghost of the 4th encountered a PHC planet designated Tahoe during recon and we were sent to deal with it as the 4th were still recovering from the final battle of the civil war, Commander Jesse was still barred from combat after he breached our rules ot engagement. Not having much intel, me and TU warped into the system with the 2nd’s fleet. We were almost immediately met with resistance as we advanced towards Tahoe as an enemy fleet stood sentinel above it, including a Dreadnough class ship. I in the Castellum made a beeline for the planet, releasing a strike team lead by Sergeant Major Cat, including Riflemen Witt and Nito to a weak spot in their air defenses that Ghost had identified. The Minos and our fleet engaged as I moved back into lower atmosphere. The RE mercenary Renegade and his ships flanked the PHC forces as I flanked the Dreadnought, doing damage but also having shields taken down to a dangerously low percentage. As I retreated the Lieutenant General boarded the dreadnought and took control of it before it was destroyed and the Minos and Defiant began clean out the rest of the enemt fleet. Meanwhile our ground forces made their way to the enemy command centre through a large industrial complex and sabotaged any vital machinery they saw with Nito and Witt both sustaining minor injuries from the PHC soldiers who had began to mobilise. With the enemy fleet mostly dealt with, we destroyed enemy AA defenses from orbit and began landing a larger force of troops including RE spectres and Reapers. It is also worth noting that Corporal Dove provided effective CAS, removing obstacles for our ground forces and clearing landing zones. Cat made his way to the command centre and got relatively close, making the decision to take an alternate route to get into it via detonating a wall and using grapples to bypass the heavy security. Rifleman Nito intercepted one of the enemy commanders as he attenpted to flee the battle and he and Witt met with Cat, being gives grapples temporarily as neither are pilot certified. As they made their way in they took advantage of their element of suprise, taking down many guards quickly as Renegade joined them from above. They advanced further in and encountered a room with a glass roof and large table filled with heavy weapons teams which Cat immediately moved to prevent firing. He was largely successful but Witt had to provide cover fire as he was overwhelmed at close range, Nito and Renegade killed the majority of the others in the chaos and Witt noted the commander attempting to escape Our forces gave chase but were intercepted by a Monarch class titan which fired missiles at Witt and Nito with Witt taking the brunt of the attack and Nito having to administer medical care. Renegade dropped his Ion in as the others made valiant attempts to take the titan down but he was overwhlemed by the titan’s unsual aptitude for melee combat, I dropped down and destroyed it with my legion’s superior mass as it fell and the Witt apprehended the 2nd commander. The nearby sectors were secured shortly after and we began exfil of all ground forces as I took any data or filel stored there and the 2nd’s forces took valuable weaponry and machinery. After we were all evacuated Lieutenant general TU made the executive decision to nuke the complex as the dense urban and industrial environments would prove incredibly difficult to cleanse of all PHC presence without posing a high risk to our own personnel. The nukes went off and we returned, handing the PHC commanders to Commander Voodoo for Swag to interrogate. Cat was promoted shortly after due to him showing leadership abilities and it being long overdue. Overall we had few casualties as we weren’t on the planet for long and all objectives were secured. The RE proved to be an effective ally for the 2nd yet again. Commander Kerminator, out

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 740