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Siege of Typhon and Sydney’s death


The rebel forces finally broke through our battlelines and i had been analysing their locations and strategy when I came to the worrying conclusion that Typhon and its moon Orthros were next to be attacked. I consulted the General to be sure, rushing back to Sokenzan and warning both Lieutenant General TU and major Ares of the impending attack. We mobilised the 4th to assist the 3rd in defending Orthros while Swag was to assist the 2nd above Typhon. Our suspicious were confirmed as we came face to face with an enemy force above our home. I took command of our forces above Typhon as I directed Swag (led by Commander Voodoo) to wait on the edge of the system along with a small 2nd force led by the AHF Mjolnir. I rushed in to meet the enemt in the Minos which i was granted temporary command of and both fleets engaged in a grueling battle of attrition. Corporal Nito (now Sergeant) and Lance Corporal Witt set out to board enemy ships with Witt’s spectres while I organised our fleet and we gained the upper hand. When I saw an opportunity, I gave the order for Voodoo to move in in a hammer and anvil style attack as they caused disarray amongst the enemy fleet, also sending out boarding elements including Colonel Wello and the Commander himself. This combined with our other boarding attacks turned the gulf of space into a hellscape of shells and wreckage as the enemy fought themselves and the fleet, still holding the line under my commands, dismantled them in the organised chaos. However we didnt go without our own losses, the Lieutenant General, Rifleman Sydney and corporal Blitz took up the role of efficiently hunting any enemy forces that made it past our lines. A particularly large amount of dropships snuck through after we lost a battleship and so they moved to intercept. During the firefight, Sydney was tragically killed defending our home, she was a true soldier of the 2nd and made invaluable progress towards efforts to curb the PLR virus that has been causing problems. Her death embodied “victory at all costs” in the most dire way possible. As we pushed the enemy back and the RE intercepted any retreating enemy forces, we received word that Orthros had been lost. Commander Jesse led both the 3rd and 4th to retreat in the face of overwhelming odds and Major Ares being MIA and they warped in (a more detailed report on this will be made later by the 3rd). Despite the confusion, we won and regrouped at the Minos, helping tend to the large amounts of wounded from the two battalions. Finally, we returned to Sokenzan where the 2nd got a brief period of respite before the bombardment started. I rushed to install emergency shields in 9 of Typhon’s major population sectors in a small cruiser and field promoted Nito to sergeant. Him and Captain Ronin of the 4th attempted relief efforts but couldnt save many in the face of the crushing amount of shells being fired from Orthros’ surface. Renegade sent RE ships to assist and elements from the 3rd such as Staff Sergeant Milan and Corporals Lapis and Saturn. Many of these were sadly injured by the onslaught of fighters, bombers and massive guns. I could not reach the 9th sector before the shield was irreparably damaged and so over 90 casualties have been reported there. Ronin also reported massive losses in sectors 7 and 8 despite the later involvement of Captain Cat and 1st Lieutenant Fives. As im say writing this the situation is admittedly grim with the weight of those lost only just being fully realised and beginning to crush us. The bombardments are still going strong although their guns were thinned by some counterfire from the 2nd’s big guns and the shields are now operational and protecting us. I cant wait to take Orthros back from those bastards, maybe then I’ll have tuned out the ever present explosions rattling my skull and making the night as bright as the morning with their flames. Commander Kerm, signing off

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 790