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Assault on Craxus IV


The mining world of Craxus IV was vital to the industrial complex of the rebels who attacked Typhon. It was also close, dangerously close to the rebel stronghold of Troy and would serve as an optimal staging ground for our eventual attack on it. Because of all of this, the 2nd battalion were called in to capture it after we had recovered from the bombardment of Typhon. Our men were eager to take revenge for each shell that harmed their homes with some new recruits such as rifleman Helmsman joining the AHA and assault explicitly because of what happened. I assembled the 2nd and elements of the 3rd, as well as the RE to launch a swift assault. We took out the fleet surrounding the frankly desolate planet without much issue and a team led by the Lieutenant General landed on the barren desert before they could react and muster a counter attack. Meanwhile, Renegade and I co-ordinated an assault on the ring-shaped refining station surrounding the planet. From my understanding, this was built as the sand on the ground isnt ideal for building large amounts of infrastructure on. Our ground forces got into the complex after decimating most defences, with rifleman Blitz taking down much of the rebels’ anti air and artillery guns to make landing more troops simpler and lower risk. They searched for the man in command of the rebel forces stationed there and located a passage leading into a closed off section of the mines that was heavily guarded. Unfortunately for the rebels, the 2nd fare well in CQC and especially in clearing objectives of any hostile presence. The rebel commander was finally tracked down after multiple doors that had to be breached and a gap that Sergeant Major Gold had to execute a throw to get Lieutenant General TU over. His two bodyguards seemed to relent and hand him over but this was a ruse and so they were neutralised by the Lieutenant General. Our forces then evacuated successfully with the commander kept under close watch AHA and RE forces led by Renegade and I successfully took the station by boarding from either side of the command centre, working our way towards it through various firefights and meeting just before our final assault. Once we capture the command centre, Renegade hacked into the systems of the defence systems and any mechanical mining personnel, setting them onto the rebels and greatly speeding up our full takeover. The overseer of the station seemed relatively oblivious and was almost relieved to see his machines lay into the occupants of their workplace with pickaxe and shovel. Overall I think we got our revenge and will be able to further take our score of blood when we attack Troy. There was a minor incident where Rifleman Blitz was left on the surface of the planet due to a lapse in the Lieutenant General’s memory but she was picked up soon after the operation. The enemy commander was handed to Swag for interrogation and only major casualties were taken. I commend the 3rd battalion forces who took part as they all fought effectively despite not being in their usual force.

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 830