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assault on Troy (2nd battalion)


This report only shows the events entailing 2nd battalion forces on Troy. Subsequent reports will be made to document the experiences of the other AHA forces involved. I led the 2nd into Troy’s orbit shortly after 3rd and 1st battalion forces began to land, we landed just outside a colony that was mostly made up of civilian housing and were immediately met with heavy resistance. Lance Corporals Raven and Blitz (now Corporal) took to the skies with their titans along with Sergeant Nito and took down enemy artillery and anti air guns while I led forces on the ground with my legion. We advanced forward efficiently but taking some damage and found a weakpoint in the wall surrounding the colony. Our fleet had some difficulties getting an orbital strike through to breach it but managed to clear the skies enough for a railgun shot to break through. The enemy moblilised fast and deployed men to fortify the breach but we managed to efficiently surround and strike them down before entering the dense civilian zone. The first thing I noticed upon entering the walls of the colony was the distinct lack of civilians. However I scarecly had the time to reflect on this as we were beset by guerilla fighters from multiple angles, attacking from the hidden alleys and high up towers of the area. Blitz took heavy damage to her titan but kept it online and 2nd Lieutenant Gold deployed in his titan to reinforce. I located the heavily defended centre of the area and ordered a charge to overwhelm the heavy weapon teams and titans. The 2nd were brifely held back but after another charge we broke through and were able to rip their defenses apart despite minor losses such as Raven’s titan losing an arm to an enemy ronin. We had mostly cleared the sectore when we were given the order to retreat due to the 3rd’s faliure to take the central colony of the planet. My men were taken aback by the order but I was more focused on something else. I had noticed civilian bodies amongst the rebels and determined that they were lined up and callously gunned down as we approached. Like animals being slaughtered or crops being reaped. Maybe if my thoughts weren’t consumed by this realisation I would’ve seen the archer missile coming. The rebels flooded in from all vectors in a calculated and precise ambush. The general himself deployed and covered me as I took down as many enemies as i could before ejecting from my legion and boarding his, ordering my men to retreat. Nito also lost his titan in the retreat and the 2nd forces within the colony took heavy losses. We evacuated who we could and began orbital bombardment while the General and I deployed once more to assist Captain Ronin of the 4th amidst the chaos during which he had to throw me out of range of an explosion and I returned the favour by using a ramming manoeuvre to keep his dropship clear of hostiles. After this the 2nd returned to orbit with multiple personnel having to be taken to the medbay due to the sudden and deadly nature of the ambush, Sergeant Nito’s dropship also faced difficulties and so he had to be picked up by Lance Corporal Blitz. Overall the assault resulted in many casualties and heavy losses in AHA equipment, I’m just glad we obliterated any rebel presence on their so we didnt have to attempt another takeover.

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 900