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Siege of Gaurus(2nd battalion)


This report details the 2nd battalion arm of the siege of Gaurus. Due to all higher ranking 2nd personnel being preoccupied, I took command of a strike force containing Rflm Antom, cpl Blitz, rflm Locksmith and rflm ???? (Glitch) In order to disable the enemy anti air defences, then hold the line until more AHA reinforcements arrived. Me and Blitz deployed in our titans in order to draw enemy AA fire and attention away from the dropships containing the rest of our force while they landed near the AA systems in order to infiltrate and shut them down. Their efforts in this were commendable with Glitch’s abilities, Antom’s modified reaper ‘SP’ and Locksmith’s skillset coming in extremely effective when faced with rebel resistance even with Glitch beibg wounded by enemy fire. We eventually managed to take out the enemy emplacements through a mixture of sabotage and titan firepower, then began to move to the rendezvous point, my titan was unfortunately destroyed by enemy anti air rounds but we still got to the checkpoint. It was there that we held the line against an onslaught of rebel forces until the 3rd and 4th battalions could arrive. This was an extremely successful mission with no casualties for Typhon’s Grenadiers I am hopeful for the future of our new recruits and have recommended Rflm Antom for a promotion Nito, signing off