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Battle against convey 3323


The battle against convey 3323 was a short naval battle that ended in total A.H.A victory. The operation was led by Captain Raptor and supported by Renegade and Major Ares. The force consisted of 2 Battleships the Ecsilpe and the Defiant, 2 heavy cruiser, 3 light cruiser, y destoryers and any escorts required. The enemy force was a Battleship, 2 cruisers and 3 destroyers and any a small force of escort ships. They were escorting 2 Carriers and 1 Trawler. The engagement began with the Escilpe warping in and opening fire upon the 1 enemy battleship doing minor damage with the Defiant doing the same. Though outnumbered the enemy ship was able deal minor damage to both ships before being disabled and captured by the A.H.A. As this was occurring the 2 enemy Cruisers were destoryed. 1 of the destoryer was destoryed with the 2 others being captured. When the battle had began the transport ships tried escaping but 2 of the ship were caught by destroyer and forced to surrender with the 3rd being taken in a boarding action by the defiant. In the aftermath, while claiming the ships, a response force arrived consisting of 2 destoryers and a light cruiser. 1 destoryer was destroyed with the other destroyer and the cruiser being captured. In all for no A.H.A loses due to overwhelming power and skillful leadership. Along with that Cruisers, 3 destroyer and a Battleship were captured. Signed: Captain Raptor