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Capture of planet HG7-8


The assualt of the planet began with a short naval battle ended with the **Bane of Traitors** taking severe damage but the capture of a destroyer and destruction of the other ship. After that and assault consisting of the 111th armoured drop division and the 351st and 437th drop infantry divisions they were lead by Colonel Wello. The advance was slow until the 111th launched it’s assault quickly breaking the enemy’s defences. Upon finishing and having to deal with the enemy counterattack the 110th was deployed to break it up after that the line infantry divisions 323rd and 203rd were deployed to aid Ice’s force in holding against the enemy divisions on his side. On the right lead by Wello were the 351st and 437th drop infantry divisions and 34th tank division. In the centre the 222nd and 444th tank divisions were deployed with the 80th and 301st anti boarding forces to aid in the break through and encirclement of the 2 tank divisions and 1 infantry division maling the main enemy force. The centre also had the 111th armoured and the 245th, 476th and 177th infantry divisions. On the right flank due to the choice to not lead with the 34th tank division instead sending the weakened 351st and having the unprepared 437th as the reserve force. Only sending the 34th after the enemy counterattack almost broke his line. This move was able stabilise the stituation. While the right flank was barely holding the centre began effectively with the encirclement going off without a hitch and the the 444th tank division disengaging and finishing the right flanks encirclement in conjunction with the original plan. As well the 111th armoured drop division disengaged and went to slow the advance of the enemy on the 110th’s right flank. While this was happening the left flank led by ice was doing well holding with the 111th’s arrival helped slow the enemy advance even so the the force on Ice’s right flank was steadly pushed back. On the right flank Wello’s attack continued at a steady pace eventually connecting with the 444th assualt encircling the enemy. After that with the 437th finally regrouping they were able finish the enemy. In the centre the liquidation of the pocket began with a steady advance along with that with the right flank being completed the 444th tank division was able help aid in the liquidation. While that was occurring the left was holding until a failed bombing run caused a bomber to crash knocking Ice out of command with the temporary collapse in command allowing the enemy to advance quickly this led to an encirclment of the 110th, 111th, 203rd and 323rd. This was costly to those force especially since the centre was still busy. Eventually the centre pocket was destroyed with the 34th tank and 245th infantry division breaking them out. Once the A.H.A firces regrouped the final enemy were either encircledand destroyed or surrender Signed by Captain Raptor