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The seizing of station SFV-0327


We received Intel on an old mercenary base within an asteroid that potentially housed some ships that could be used for our cause. Three Pilot Squads were deployed from the 1st Battalion to capture the supposedly abandoned base. They boarded the asteroid using crow dropships and made their way inside as a unit, upon reaching the inside of the base they broke up into squads and cleared the area. Apart from a few pirates who were quickly apprehended the base was indeed abandoned. 3 Large warships were located in the bases main hangar, 2 Macallan Class Carriers and 1 Malta Class Battleship. These were seized by 1st Battalion forces, an hour later a Carrier arrived from Harmony carrying the appropriate crew to repair and pilot the ships back to Harmony's dry docks for further restorations. It is unknown why they were simply left to collect dust but the operation was a success. No casualties and the apprehended pirates were successful transported to Harmony where they await trial. Long Live the A.H.A

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: 200