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The Generals Transmission


*I stand on a large concrete platform outdoors. The large floor is empty and surrounded by high walls made of the same dull grey concrete. The room is barren apart from the walkways suspended high above the floor on the walls* *I stand on the centre of the platform, before me are the four pilots formerly from the 2nd Battalion that had been captured by SWAG* *They are lined up evenly, all on their knees, Pilots from the 1st stand on the walkways silently watching* *A camera in front of me and the captives begins broadcasting across all open channels on every A.H.A world* I am General SAMP. Leader of all A.H.A forces. The men you see before me, are terrorists. Traitors to our cause who seek to disturb the peace and murder untold hundreds of people. For this crime they will be punished. Let this be a warning to all those who seek to disturb the peace we have fought so hard to achieve, the peace that we have lived and died for. You may run, you may hide, you may plot and scheme and think yourselves untouchable. But you have my word. You will be found. And you will answer for your crimes. *The camera cuts and the broadcast ends followed by a brief silence* *I move to the end of the line, unholstering my wingman before pointing it at the pilot kneeling before me* You are accused of the murder of civilians, conspiring to commit high treason and terrorism. You have been found guilty.... For your crimes. I sentence you to death. *I fire a round into the back of the head of the pilot in front of me, the blood spatters across the cold concrete in from of him as he crumples to the ground* *I slowly move down the line, executing each of the four pilots* *I stand there taking one last look at the row of corpses before me, then I walk away leaving the body's where they lay* *muttering to my self* Long Live the A.H.A

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: 232