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Death of JyFK


Name : JyFK Rank : Commander Status : K.I.A Commander JyFK served honourable since the end of the First War, however, overtime his mental state began to deteriorate. It is unclear if this was a side effect of his transfer to a simulacrum body or just the stresses of his command. It was gradual at first but the death of the former Commander Rooster, who had once been JyFKs second in command and dear friend pushed him over the edge. Adding to this further was that Rooster took his life with the gun he had taken from JyFKs person during their final dialogue. The guilt and grief proved too much for Commander JyFK and he went AWOL. He attempted a suicide mission on the enemy commandeering a ship and severely wounding several friendly personnel almost killing some before departing. He continued to fire upon enemy and friendly units indiscriminately, the 1st Battalion was deployed with a battlegroup jumping in on his location at which point from the lead ship of the battlegroup I activated a large scale EMP. This prevented the now inorganic Commander from moving and locked his consciousness to one body, from there his ship was boorded, a restraining bolt fitted and the Commander was taken into custody. He was questioned by several lower ranking members as well as myself whilst in a temporary holding cell on Harmony where he was awaiting trial. It was then that he activated an explosive device in his chest in an attempt to kill everyone present, I promptly shot the Commander in the head with my wingman in an attempt to deactivate the device but to no avail. The device exploded injuring several personnel who were rushed to the medbay and luckily were stabilized by medical personnel resulting in no casualties except the Commander himself. Sadly his final series actions tainted his other wise exemplary service record leaving a dark stain on his legacy. This will not be allowed to happen again. Long Live the A.H.A

Author: Gen. SAMP

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