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The Death of Cronos


Me, Lt-General TU and multiple members of the 4th and Swag were outside Cronos’ cell to [REDACTED BY SWAG] when he suddenly broke containment. He was fatally shot by TU while making an escape attempt across the ceiling and began to twitch on the floor, showing former memories and saying seemingly random words. He then seemed to fall apart, his head, arms and memory core flying off before he eventually stopped moving in a puddle of his own oil. I was ordered to (and did) dispose of the body which I will use for parts and maybe give to Voodoo for [REDACTED BY SWAG] Me Voodoo and Cipher are about to break into his quarters to see what we find and, maybe find a secondary body for his core Colonel Kerminator, signing off

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 100