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Death of John


Name : John Rank : Rifleman Status : K.I.A. Rifleman John, brother to the late Commander JyFK was a promising soldier. However, upon denial of his request to revive his older brother he began to grow distant. This resulted in John going AWOL, he shot and wounded a dropship Pilot before stealing said dropship and attempting to reach his brothers burial site in an effort of bringing him back. Under direct orders from myself, A.H.A special forces (S.W.A.G) were deployed to handle the situation. Their light cruiser the A.H.F infiltrator performed a jump coming out in close proximity to the stolen vessel at which point he was ordered to stand down or be fired upon. He chose the latter, fighter craft were deployed dealing critical damage to the dropship causing it to go down. It crash landed near an urban area on a nearby planets surface. Several S.W.A.G pilots were deployed to the ground to capture the AWOL rifleman. Weather was bad with torrential downpour of rain leading to low visibility which ultimately aided our operatives. After stalking the rifleman from a distance and a brief chase he was cornered on the rooftop of one of the crowded cities buildings, where ultimately he was shot and killed. This was after resisting arrest and attempting to draw a gun on the operatives. His body laid there briefly in the downpour of rain, slowly staining the puddle he crumpled in as the weather worsened and storms began to form. His body was recovered and his being moved for burial.

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: 10