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Detonation on Harmony


A simulacrum designated "P" claiming to be the sister of Lieutenant Shinzo was taken into custody regarding her sister going AWOL in hopes she'd have some information regarding her location. Whilst being escorted to a meeting with one of the 1st Battalion Captains on Harmony she suddenly collapsed inside an urban structure. Where shortly after she exploded killing herself and the riflemen escorting her. Total damage: 4 Riflemen K.I.A P K.I.A 8 Civilians K.I.A 22 more injured Severe structural damage leading to a large scale fire which threatened nearby hab zones though the fire was dealt with swiftly. It was later revealed this detonation was remote activated by an unknown company with ties to Shinzos past. This has been deemed a terrorist attack and the 1st is mobilising as I write this to engage the new threat. They've built an organisation on fear and violence, we are hear to knock it down. Long Live the A.H.A

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: 275