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Death of 2nd Lt Mango


During the retaking of Orthros 2nd Lieutenant Mango was deployed alongside S.W.A.G to reinforce the Southern assault. Shortly into the operation Mango went rogue going off solo, I believe she was trying to prove herself, though I'm not sure who to. It had been 3 hours when we found her. 1st Battalion forces found her body slumped against a wall in one of the main bases courtyards. Her body had sustained several bullet wounds to the upper torso and right arm, she had a collapsed lung and an evisceration across her stomach. Evidence suggests she had been dead for several hours with the cause being blood loss. The body was recovered for burial in Harmony's cemetery of hero's. Her child's fate is to be decided. I'm sure she is at peace having been reunited with her late husband once again. Long Live the A.H.A

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: 820