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Operation: Fallen Angel


Operation objective, terminate cartel operations in the immediate AO of the Seraph Station, and take back control of said station. Operation is a joint operation of 3rd, 2nd, and SWAG units. Joint-Group Naval forces were deployed to counteract a combined front of Scalpel & Hammer and Archanae Cartel forces, while a joint ground force would secure the modules of the station and imbue it with G.O.D.H.E.A.D. As the ground force made their way in they were confronted by a large assortment of stalkers and reapers, causing multiple injuries to the unit. After dealing with the majority of the automated security a large experimental armor unit designated “Behemoth” engaged the team. Many members of the team took significant injuries, but in the end Commander Kerm was able to terminate the armor unit with a well placed demo charge. As of this time SSgt. Milan who was leading the assault aboard the enemy vessels unfortunately went MIA, presumably going down with one of the ships. Ground units were forced to continue pushing to the command module of the station, facing more automated security systems. As of nearing the command module, a Scorch Titan and its pilot were identified in the nearby room as well, causing a fire fight. The ground force engaged with extreme prejudice, resulting in the near fatal injury of Sgt. Marovski, Sgt. Nito, and Cpl. Lapis. In the end, the enemy pilot activated a nuclear fail safe in his titan, along with such it was found his titan’s canopy would not open leaving him stuck inside in his attempt to terminate the ground unit. After this all injured would immediately revive medical care, and the station would be liberated by AHA forces. Mission was a resounding success. Addendum 1: Extraction of [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] were successful. Addendum 2: SSgt. Milan as of the passing hour of the mission was found and given medical care, and is currently back to operating status.