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Death of the Civilian Ghost.


During the space battle for the planet Galcrux, the rebel homeworld, I was being chased by enemy fighters and was suddenly saved by former A.H.A Soldier Ghost. He was someone who I considered a close friend, and we had flown together before, therefore we decided to stick together. We protected a flight of bombers as they attacked several enemy ships. Ghost performed admirably, showing that he had not lost his touch. Towards the end of the battle, a custom red fighter appeared among enemy reinforcements. The pilot appeared to be very skilled and I switched to my titan before engaging it. The enemy, who I will call Artemis seemed to know a lot about our organisation, including our comm frequencies, my callsign, and RFLM Bray's name, as well as our relationship. Artemis took down two bombers, and was being chased by Ghost when she suddenly maneuvered behind Ghost and fired missiles and guns, taking him down. Ghost was caught in the gravity well. I strongly believe that if at this moment I had gone after him, he would still be alive. But I decided to uphold the mission and protect the bombers. I sacrificed my friend for the mission, and though it was the right call, it will haunt me forever. I successfully defended the remaining bombers, but Artemis escaped. I immediately descended towards the planet in an attempt to rescue my friend. When I arrived, his fighter was a burning wreck. I pulled him out of the cockpit, but it was too late to save him, and though he was conscious at the time, he died due to his wounds shortly afterwards. Though he was a civilian, I believe that his place is among the heroes in our cemetery.