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The creation of Orion and Polaris


This report documents all we know about the creation of the hyperintelligent AI that (as of the time of writing) is assaulting AHA territory and its counterpart who is currently under the supervision of the 3rd battalion. I first received the invitation through an IMC contact from my past. The message is attached to this file and is transparent about the IRIS company and their founders. One Dr Victor Salvador who had a history in various fields mostly within the frontier (DECEASED) and a man who only called himself “Mr Riley” although little intel has been uncovered about his history (DECEASED). I headed to the large building on earth where the exhibition was being held with a bodyguard of 3rd battalion men and we encountered numerous other factions who were interested, including a large cohort of IMC officials and researchers. IRIS showed us the AI’s capabilities firsthand using a simplistic strategy game named “Commander’s demise”. It defeated all who challenged it apart from one IMC commander who exploited its surprisingly defensive and almost caring tactics with a brutal, all out offensive. Others copied this strategy and also achieved victory. This noticeably angered Dr Salvador but the IMC agreed to invest 50 millions credits into the project regardless, seeing its potential. At the next meeting, the IMC were more closely involved and revealed that they would be using Orion in combat operations against the militia from that day forward. This time the AI was unbeatable, attacking ruthlessly and efficiently. A far cry from its previous strategy. Towards the end of this meeting (of which fewer factions than before attended) I was gifted a standard IMC attack drone with the weapons removed. Mr Riley claimed that this was a prototype that he hoped would convince us to invest in the completed product. I still wasn’t convinced. The IMC did end up using the AI in a highly successful campaign against the militia in the coming weeks. At the 3rd and final meeting the Dr exhibited extremely erratic behaviour throughout. The IMC unveiled a new body for Orion that was taller than a Titan but built more like a large simulacrum. It had large thrusters on its back and two machine guns on one shoulder. The Dr made the claim that the AI was sentient and deserved to “see the universe” before activating it and being gunned down by IRIS bodyguards. Mr Riley attempted to use a failsafe device to terminate the AI but was killed while attempting to convince it to stand down. It crushed one of its creator’s bones with ease in its cold, steel hand before firing upon the crowd. My bodyguards and I attempted an escape and succeeded with Polaris heavily damaging itself to protect me from a hail of gunfire and multiple IMC personnel being killed. Eventually an IMC craft fired directly into the room with missiles, stunning the hulking chassis. Orion then escaped through the now broken window and tore through the ship: heading to orbit where we lost sight of it. We left after the IMC assured us the situation was under control. However it appears that Orion maintained control of some IMC mechanised forces long enough to seize control, using them to escape and begin an assault on the frontier. ADDENDUM: More details were uncovered after Commander Jesse and I questioned Polaris. Firstly, the two were originally one being and were spilt after they lost their first battle. We assume the Dr didn’t want his creation to be terminated and so convinced Riley to give her to us. This explains Polaris’ oddly non-violent tendencies and Orion’s sudden change in behaviour. We now know that it is incredibly dangerous with little regard for human life or even its own forces. I endeavour to end this threat swiftly and with force despite the danger it poses.

Author: VAdm. Kerm

Index: 1110