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Code of Conduct

Author: Gen. SAMP

Whilst on duty all personnel are to behave in a manner befitting of a soldier. They are to uphold their duties, carry out their objectives and treat the civilian populace with respect whilst representing our organisation unless they are obstructing an objective or duty.

Whilst on duty personnel are prohibited from various activities such as gambling or consuming alcohol. This extends to other frivolous activities such as public displays of affection which are prohibited whilst on duty to its unprofessional nature. This includes but is not limited to, hugging, kissing and holding hands.

Hard substances such as drugs are prohibited whether on or off duty, these include but are not limited to crack, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines. Personnel found under the influence or in possession of these substances will face immediate and severe punishment.

Damaging our reputation or breaking the code of conduct will result in disciplinary action. We are soldiers, and all personnel are required to act in such a manner.

*On duty refers to when an individual is actively partaking in operations, is in uniform in or out of base.

*Code of Conduct also applied to communal areas such as the medical bays, engineering bays, kitchen and training arenas.