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Command Structure.

Author: Gen. SAMP

The General holds absolute power over all A.H.A personnel regardless of their rank, background and experience. Below the General are his Lieutenant General, Vice admiral and his Commanders.

The Lieutenant General serves to oversee operation of ground based troops in the generals absence with the Vice Admiral overseeing all naval forces in the generals absence.

These ranks make up high command, the most experienced and senior of our forces, each member leads a battalion or branch and helps run the organisation under the General.

High Command officers, due to their status as leaders of a given unit usually have a 2nd in command (XO) to carry out their duties in their absence. The XO is permitted to attend high command meetings with or in place of their CO only if they hold the rank of Colonel or above.

In order to be promoted to the position of XO an individual must hold the rank of an officer being a minimum of a Lieutenant to warrant the experience and seniority to lead such large units.

In order to be instated as the head of a branch such as head engineer, medical chief etc one must possess the minimum rank of Lieutenant.

Senior Officers have the power to issue orders to the NCOs below them though cannot contradict orders given by COs or HC. NCOs have the power to issue orders to enlisted individuals such as Corporals and Riflemen.