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E.A.D. Raid


At 1000 hours a 1st battalion task force led by Sergeant Major Bell carried out a raid on one of the fronts for the terrorist organisation calling themselves the E.A.D. It was a cafe with several apartments built on top of it which served as a front for the illegal arms den where they manufactured, stored and distributed their merchandise from. All hostiles on site were eliminated and several caches of near military grade small arms were recovered alongside heavier weapons such as several Archer class anti-titan rocket launchers. A handful of E.A.D. members were apprehended enroute to the arms den but we're intercepted and arrested. They are currently being moved for questioning. In addition to this, large amounts of intel were recovered both tying the group the the Sokenzan attack as well as several other plots they have yet to carry out, which we can now prevent. Furthermore, we recovered the remains of a sim destroyed in the assault, we were able to gain access to the network it was connected to and gain information on several members of the terrorist cell before being locked out again. In total, 26 hostiles eliminated, 6 apprehended, 0 casualties, 0 collateral. The success of this mission has pathed the way for us to crack down on this new threat to the peace we've built. You cannot run. You cannot hide. You *will* answer for your crimes. Long Live the A.H.A

Author: Gen. SAMP

Index: 1040