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Operation: Babel


```ⓘ any unauthorised personnel reading this report will recieve disciplinary punishment. If you are unauthorised please don't continue reading and return it to HICOM however you acquired it, this is the only warning you'd be given.``` # Operation: Babel `Location: Gridiron Battalion assigned for the op: SWAG` ```Operatives who were deployed for the op: - Com. Voodoo-6 • Squad leader - Col. Williams "Wello" Torres • Combat doctor • Adjutant - SgtM. Labayen "Saturn" • Combat medic Reinforcement units were sent during the operation: False``` ```Main Objectives: - Neutralise the Open Horizon insurgency's last base on Gridiron - Free the hostages - Elimite the HVT "Rook" Side objectives: False``` `The three operatives boarded the AHF Infiltrator which then warped to the AO. When they reached the destination they dropped down via a low-altitude jump. After the squad had regrouped they breached into the tower, where the last base of Open Horizon's was located, and sealed off the door behind them. After doing so they'd start going up the tower, clearing every floor from standard grunts and [REDACTED] such as [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] . This would all go smoothly until the group encountered [REDACTED] and a [REDACTED]...` `The squad immediately engaged it, with Wello and Saturn going in for CQB with it meanwhile Voodoo-6 staying behind to provide cover fire. While the squad was fighting it, the Tango phased to Wello and stabbed his right thigh before jabbing a firestar into the open wound, causing Wello to retreat and request cover from Saturn and Voodoo-6 while he tried to heal himself. Fortunately, Wello managed to heal himself and reengage the Tango despite his injuries and the squad continued fighting it. After a while of intense combat, the Nephilim broke psychologically, giving the squad a chance to finally end it. Voodoo-6 gave in the order to Neutralise it making` `Saturn do so and slice it's throat, ending the fight. Unfortunately, Wello's adrenaline rush wore off, leading him to collapse moments after the fight ended. Saturn immediately went to examine him, his main injury, his thigh, has stopped bleeding leaving the only injures to be a shot on his shoulder from accidental friendly fire and a bite mark on his left forearm. Wello would get stabilised thanks to Saturn and Voodoo get med-evac called in to get him out. After this, the squad continued pushing forward. They reached the top of the tower and Voodoo-6 managed to Eliminate the HVT, the hostages were rescued and with all of their objectives done, they evacuted the AO via a dropship, completely destroying the tower while away from it via explosives.` ```Mission status: Success, all main objectives were completed Casualties: False Injuries: True, one injured severly. Was hospitalised after the op```